Downturn doesn’t soften growth in software industry

In the face of the current economic downturn, Oregon’s software industry is enjoying solid growth.

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In the face of the current economic downturn, Oregon’s software industry is enjoying solid growth. Its largest field, software publishing, employed 9,600 people in September 2008, an increase of 4.3% over the previous year and equal to its early 2001 peak. Another key player in the software industry, computer systems design and services, employed 9,800 people in September 2008, a 6.5% increase versus the previous year, although only four-fifths of its late 2000 peak. While computer products manufacturing employs more than two-thirds of Oregon’s high-tech workers, these two service-oriented sectors employ almost one-third. They are also projected to continue growing, with software publishing services increasing by 22% from 2006-2016, and systems design and services by 20%. Additionally, wages for these sectors are very high relative to other industries across the state. Annual wages in 2007 averaged more than $89,000 in software publishing and more than $75,000 in systems design and services.

WorkSource Oregon Employment Analyst

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