Then and now: 20 years of the 100 Best

0313 100BestData 01The 100 Best Companies project turns 20 this year, so we’re looking back to see what’s changed for great places to work in Oregon.


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0313 100BestData 01BY BRANDON SAWYER

The 100 Best Companies project turns 20 this year, so we’re looking back to see what’s changed for great places to work in Oregon. The first “Best Workplaces” feature in 1994 listed 10 companies selected by the editorial team, but the next year 100 companies were chosen more rigorously with a lengthy employer questionnaire and interviews of employees from top companies. The process we use today, involving employee and employer surveys, was introduced in 2005.

Our employee survey measures both satisfaction — which accounts for 83% of companies’ 100 Best scores — and the importance employees place on
a comprehensive set of workplace qualities.

What makes employees happy?

Many similar aspects populate the top five but in different order. Employees were quite pleased with their online work tools in 2005. Today workers are happiest with workplace fairness.

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What irks employees?

Larger gaps between importance and satisfaction reveal sore spots in the workplace. Much like eight years ago, 2013 workers want more pay, benefits and upward mobility.

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What’s important to employees?

Oregon employee priorities have changed little over the decade. Intangibles still trump tangible benefits. Treatment by the boss is preeminent, followed closely by workplace flexibility and trust. Surprisingly, adequacy of compensation has fallen to 12 out of 25 this year, but it was fourth most important in 2005.

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How have benefits changed?

As health care and other employment costs have risen, most benefits offered by today’s 100 Best companies have diminished noticeably compared to 2005.

100 Best Companies Benefit Policies20052013CHANGE
Premium paid by employer90%87%-3%
Mental health98%91%-7%
Long-term disability87%74%-13%
Paid maternity leave50%28%-22%
Contributes to retirement plan98%87%-11%
Employees eligible for incentive plan89%67%-22%
College tuition reimbursement83%54%-29%
Paid-time-off days maximum3835-3