Frequently Asked Questions

Find out whether your company can participate, how the employee survey works, how companies are scored, when the deadlines are, what promotional opportunities are associated with the 100 Best, etc.

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What is the 100 Best Companies to Work For in Oregon?

It is a list of outstanding workplaces produced every year since 1994 by Oregon Business magazine. For many years, it has been determined by a survey process involving both employers and employees. Companies submit a sign-up form to begin the process. Their employees then complete a job satisfaction survey, and a company representative completes a survey describing benefits and workplace policies. Companies are ranked based on survey scores and are listed in the March issue of Oregon Business as the “100 Best Companies to Work For in Oregon.” These companies are also honored at a Portland awards ceremony in late February or early March. DHM Research of Portland provides assistance to Oregon Business to conduct the survey and report results to participating companies.
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Why should our company participate?

A primary benefit of the 100 Best process is the dialogue generated between employees and management. Employees get a welcome chance to voice their opinions about a wide variety of workplace aspects and employers gain valuable feedback about the business from those on the front lines. Regardless whether a company makes it onto the list, the surveys are excellent tools for promoting a continually improving workplace with high morale. All participating companies may order complimentary or premium reports analyzing their survey results, which can be especially useful for furthering the dialogue with employees as well as setting priorities for improvement. Of course, if a company does rank among the 100 Best, it is an excellent promotional opportunity and may help draw highly qualified job candidates to the organization.
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How does the employee survey work?

Employees receive an access code from their company representative (typically a human resources professional). Next, the employee completes the survey online (from any computer or mobile device with Internet access). The survey takes approximately 10 minutes. Answers are strictly confidential and anonymous. Employees can also complete a hard-copy survey if they do not have access to the Internet. Employee Survey rules and guidelines
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How does the employer survey of benefits work?

The company designates a representative, typically a human resources professional, to complete the benefits survey. This representative will access a special link to complete the survey online or from a mobile device. The benefits survey has been designed to suit all types of companies. Benefits Survey rules and guidelines
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What kinds of employers may sign up to participate?

Public and private companies, individual subsidiaries or divisions are all eligible. We encourage nonprofit or not-for-profit organizations and government agencies to participate in our separate 100 Best Nonprofits Survey which begins in April. <return to top>


What kinds of employees can take the survey?

Only regular full- or part-time employees of an employer’s Oregon sites may take the employee survey. Temporary workers and contractors are not permitted to participate since they are not entitled to the same benefits and protections, and often work off-site or for short-term periods. Out-of-state employees are not eligible either. But owners, partners, managers and other executives may take the survey so long as they work in Oregon and are long-term participants in the organization.
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How many employees are required to participate?

A minimum of 12 Oregon employees or 10% of the Oregon workforce (whichever is greater) must complete the survey. Once a company signs up, all their Oregon employees should be invited to participate..
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Does a participating organization have to be headquartered in Oregon?

No, as long as it has at least 15 Oregon employees.
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What are the deadlines for participation?

The 2013 survey opens August 20, 2013 and companies may register until November 2 with the survey continuing into late November. Oregon Business will contact all former 100 Best participants with a link to the sign-up form. If you represent an interested company, organization or agency that has not previously participated, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with your contact information. The sign-up link will also be posted to by August 20.
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How are the 100 Best Companies scored?

For the 100 Best Companies, the score based on average satisfaction ratings from the first five sections of the employee survey counts for 5/6 of its final score. The score from the employer survey of benefits counts for the remaining 1/6 of the final score. For the 100 Best Green Companies, the score is based 2/3 on employee satisfaction and importance from the Sustainable Practices section of the employee survey and 1/3 on related questions from the employer survey of benefits.
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What are the promotional opportunities for companies that rank among the 100 Best?

The 100 Best Companies will receive an award certificate, and will have online access to logos and other promotional materials following the 100 Best event in early March. These can be used on company letterhead, websites, t-shirts, etc. 100 Best Cos. may also purchase merchandise, such as trophies, from Oregon Business.
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What will my company learn from the 100 Best?

After completion of the survey, all participating companies — whether or not they rank among the 100 Best — can order customized reports of their survey results from Oregon Business and its research partner, DHM Research. An overview of how employees assess their workplace will be complementary. More detailed reports — including survey satisfaction and importance ratings, employee write-in comments, benefits analysis, and statewide, industry and demographic data — will be available for a fee.
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Is the employee survey available in other languages?

The survey is also available in Spanish, Russian and Traditional Chinese. E-mail Kim Moore to request a copy.
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How confidential/anonymous is the survey?

Company participation is strictly confidential unless your company is listed as a 100 Best Company. Likewise, the employee survey is is completely anonymous. We don’t collect names, titles or contact information, and we never share anything with companies that might reveal an employee’s identity. Survey results are only provided in aggregate (never as raw data), demographic questions and write-in comments are optional and comments are edited to remove any identifying information.
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Who can I contact with questions or problems with the 100 Best process?

 Kim Moore is the 100 Best project manager. She can be reached at 503.445.8828, email at [email protected] or mail at 715 SW Morrison St., Ste. 800, Portland, OR 97205.
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